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Fin Bulgaria A different way
Just someone like to talk my way is
wrong this is s my men this is my way
I forgot slow way and makes my thrash metal 
your opinion is not important ,I am important
impossible but true I'm coming for you
just do not talk to me
Just someone like to talk my way is
wrong this is s my men this is my way
I forgot slow way and makes my thrash metal
your opinion is not important ,I am important
impossible but true I'm coming for you
just do not talk to me


Популярни публикации от този блог

Stoian Kaev gives an interview on the new album FIN BULGARIA KOLKO ZOMBITA VIJDATE  short interview 1.What is the album layout? STOIAN KAEV - this is the appearance I am sitting on the stage 2.How long this album will be ? STOIAN KAEV - 25 songs but my and more are the chickens to come 2018 bro . 3.The lyrics have changed why exactly the demonic texts !? STOIAN KAEV - This is because the sounds of an aggressively more crude tact are on the harder band. 4.some final words STOIAN KAEV - NO ~!

Stoian Kaev Tin Soldier Full EP 2016

The new album of Fin Bulgaria is very good. Trash metal is the best metal genre ever. The band is using the classical type of the genre. They are still young and we can expect a lot of them. I was very impatient for the new album. They were worked over 6 months. I cannot say something worst about the album. The cover of the album is old school type too. The skulls on the cover are making it very "scary". Typicall brand for the metal music. LICA